Spearfish, SD
June 24, 2012
Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway is a lovely ride where nature surrounds but it seems to flow from Spearfish Canyon, a deep gorge descending from the northern-most reach of the Black Hill. Also flowing from Spearfish is Spearfish Creek, a mighty 40-mile mountain stream that drops 3,000 feet over its short but scenic course. The creek carved canyon is a place of high limestone cliffs, waterfalls, towering spruces, Ponderosa pines, aspens birches, burdocks and box elder. 138 species of birds call the canyon home.
It has an abundance of babbling creeks and waterfalls. This a view of Roughlock Falls.
At the bottom of the falls looking into Little Spearfish Canyon. The morning light on the lush greens was amazing.
And finally our farewell to South Dakota with an image of a small fishing pond in the Black Hills National Forest.