Cody, Wyoming
2012 Buffalo Bill Cody Stampede Rodeo
July 4, 2012
The spirit of the West lives on in Cody, Wyoming. Rodeo cowboys and girls keep the skills of the West’s working cowboy alive. Jobs such as roping cattle and breaking horses, which were defined by the 19th century cowhands, continue today in competition among today’s rodeo cowboys and girls.
The opening ceremonies had many talented horseman and women.
Bareback bronc riding is a spurring contest for a mandatory 8 seconds. The action begins with the horse jumping out of the chute and the cowboy sitting so that his spurs extend over the break of the horse’s shoulders, called “Marking out” as the forelegs hit the ground. As you can see there are no stirrups or rein, just the “riggin” – a suitcase-type handle attached to a rigid, triple-layered, leather base saddle about 9″ wide.
Team roping has its roots in the everyday work of the range cowboy. Cattle often must be caught in order to treat injuries or to brand one that escaped as a calf. It is necessary to rope by both horns and the hind feet which means two cowboys are needed. Team roping requires not only teamwork between the two cowboys but also between the cowboys and their horses.
and a good time was had by all……