Adventures in Glacier


Glacier National Park

July 15, 2010

Exploring the Many Glacier section of the park was quite exciting.  I was off on one side of the road on my knees photographing the amazing high altitude wildflowers.  When I got up and turned around, I discovered that a traffic jam had started.  Down in the field on the other side of the road was a momma grizzly bear with two cubs.  They were just grazing through this amazing field of wildflowers.  This is a shot of her.  The high winds recked havoc with my long telephoto lens.  The foliage was too high to catch the cubs but I did see them both as they frolicked and jumped after mom.

On our way out we came across another big traffic jam.  This time we saw a sow and 3 cubs!  Brad got a very good look at her as she turned and headed right for him and the ranger standing next to him.  The ranger immediately barked orders that everyone must leave now.  I was stuck in the crowd and never did get a pic of this family.  Brad got an eye full of his second grizzly in the wild that he will never forget.

Running Eagle Falls in the Two Medicine section of Glacier National Park.

Running Eagle Falls

Today we drove southwest to the Two Medicine section of Glacier National Park.  We both enjoyed the hike to Running Eagle Falls and Trickle Falls.  Can you see that there are two distinct falls in the background?  There was a fly fisherman working the waters under the falls and he said the fishing was grand.

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